Giáo án powerpoint tiếng anh 10 sách Explore new worlds
Giáo án powerpoint hay còn gọi là giáo án điện tử, bài giảng điện tử, giáo án trình chiếu. Dưới đây là bộ giáo án powerpoint tiếng anh 10 sách Explore new worlds. Giáo án được thiết kế theo phong cách hiện đại, đẹp mắt để tạo hứng thú học tập cho học sinh. Với tài liệu này, hi vọng việc dạy môn tiếng anh 10 sách Explore new worlds của thầy cô sẽ nhẹ nhàng hơn
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Một số tài liệu quan tâm khác
Phần trình bày nội dung giáo án
Planning: ..../..../.....
Teaching : ..../..../.....
- Knowledge By the end of this unit, SS can be able to:
- Get started with some language items in Unit 6
- Skills: To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 1
- Writing: Write the activities before and during vacation
- Educational aimss:
- To help Ss get started for Unit 6 with the topic "Destination"
- To provide Ss some motivation
- Teacher: textbook, lesson plan
- Students: - textbook, workbook, pen, pencil…
- Aim: - To create a friendly and lively atmosphere in the classroom
- To give Ss a chance to get to know each other then lead into the first unit
- Content: Ss introduce themselves and guess the topic
- Outcome: Possible answers:
- Organization:
- T asks SS to look at the picture and answer the questions
+ Where is Bagan? Would you like to visit a place like this?
+ What are popular destinations for tourist in your country?
- Aim: - To introduce the unit topic Destination
- To introduce some vocabulary and the grammar points to be learnt in the unit.
- Content: Look at the picture and answer the questions about it
- Outcome: - Give the answers.
- Listen to the recording and read silently after the recording.
- Organization
Step 1: Transferring the learning task - T ask Ss “ Who rememrbers what collocation are?” - T goes over the Word Focus and elicit some other examples of verb + noun collocations, such as drink coffee, brush your teeth, take a a shower and have lunch Step 2: Performing the task - Ss answer Teacher’s question | * Word focus - Verb + noun collocation are commo in English. There are verbs and noun we often use together: + Take a taxi + Take a photo + Go on vacation + Go on a tour |
- Match each verb to a noun.Then match each verbs + noun to a photo
- Aim: to give Ss a chance to pactice collocation
- Content: Ss match each verbs + noun to a photo
- Outcome:
- Co-operation: interact with the teacher find out the answers
- Communication: answer positively
- Organization:
Step 1: Transferring the learning task - T points out the verbs in one box and noun in the other. - T tells SS to look at the the nine photos and decide what the people are doing - T has SS label each picture by matching a verb and noun Step 2: Performing the task - Ss follow Teacher’s requirement - Work individually to match a verb and noun. Step 3: Discussion - Call some student to write answer on board, other students compares the answers Step 4: Conclusion - T checks anwers as a class. T says each items for Ss to repeat after you | Ex 1: Key 2.pack a suitcase 3. go on a tour 4. buy souvenirs 5. eat local food 6. see a famous place 7. stay at a hotel 8. change money 9. rent a car
Write the activities you do before and during your vacation in A in the correct column
- Aim: to revise some collocations for before and during vacation
- Content: SS writes the activities you do before and during your vacation in A in the correct column
- Outcome:
- Co-operation: interact with the teacher find out the answers
- Communication: answer positively
- Organization:
Step 1: Transferring the learning task - T ensures that Ss understand during - T has Ss sort the items into the correct categories Step 2: Performing the task - Ss follow Teacher’s requirement - Work individually to complete the tables Step 3: Discussion - T say each item from A and Ss call out before or during Step 4: Conclusion - T give explanations if necessary | B. Key:
- Aim: apply Ss’ knowledge they have just learned into communicative and practical situations.
- Content: SS work in group to write other things they do before and during a vacation
- Outcome: Ss’s answers
- Organization:
- T has Ss do excercise in groups. Then write all their answers on the board
- Learn by heart the collocations
- Prepare new lesson: Unit 6: Lesson A: Grammar

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- Bước 1: Chuyển phí vào STK: 1214136868686 - cty Fidutech - MB(QR)
- Bước 2: Nhắn tin tới Zalo Fidutech - nhấn vào đây để thông báo và nhận tài liệu
=> Nội dung chuyển phí: Nang cap tai khoan
=> Giáo án tiếng anh 10 Explore new worlds (bản word)
Từ khóa: Giáo án powerpoint tiếng anh 10 sách Explore new worlds, GA trình chiếu tiếng anh 10 sách Explore new worlds, GA điện tử tiếng anh 10 sách Explore new worldsTài liệu giảng dạy môn Tiếng anh THPT