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Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)

Dưới đây là giáo án bản word môn tiếng anh lớp 10 sách "Friends Global", soạn theo mẫu giáo án 5512. Giáo án hay còn gọi là kế hoạch bài dạy(KHBD). Bộ giáo án được soạn chi tiết, cẩn thận, font chữ Time New Roman. Thao tác tải về đơn giản. Giáo án do nhóm giáo viên trên kenhgiaovien biên soạn. Mời thầy cô tham khảo.

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Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)

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Phần trình bày nội dung giáo án

Week:                                          Planning:

Period:                                        Teaching:  


(1A.Vocabulary: How do you feel?)                                                 

  2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to :

- Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to the topic "Feelings":

- Grammar: Present continous

- Speaking: Discussing how students feel in different situations

  1. Competence.

- Students have serious attitude in learning.                   

- Ss are interested in learning English.

  1. Quality

- Language: get acquainted with the topic "Feelings".

- Problem solving: find out the correct answer about the text


T : Textbook, lesson plan, , a projector, a laptop.

Ss : Learn the old lesson, prepare Unit 1: My time (Vocabulary – Where we spend time)

  2. WARM UP:
  3. Goal: Motivate ss to interest in the topic of the lesson and create the fun atmosphere before starting the new lesson.
  4. Content : Talk about "negative & positive emotion”
  5. Expected result: Ss can call out their response
  6. Performance:

- T writes Positives and negative emotions on the board

- T calls out a few situations that could evoke apositive or a negative emotion

  • Yout favourite TV programme is on tonight
  • You didn’t get the present you wanted for your birthday
  • You argued with your best friend yesterday.
  • You though your mobile phone was lost but you found it
  • There is a nice surprise wating for you at home

- T asks:

  • What situations would make you feel a positive emotion?
  • What situations would make you feel a negative emotion?
  • Can you name the emotions?
  2. Goal: Provide Ss necessary vocabularies .
  3. Content : Learning vocabularies
  4. Expected result: Ss can master the vocabularies
  5. Performance:



Step 1: Transfer of duties

+ Present new words.

- Teacher use different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vocabulary

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Repeat in chorus and individually

- Copy all the words

Step 3: Discussion

-Some students repeat the vocabulary in front of class

Step 4: Conclusion

- T makes sure that all student copy the new words and the meaning of them


- anxious (a): Lo lắng    

- ashamed (a): xấu  hổ

- Bored (a): chán nản

- confused (a): bối rối

- cross (a): bực mình, cáu gắt

- delighted (a): vui mừng

- embarrassed (a): xấu hổ

- Envious (a): ghen tị

- frightened (a): sợ hãi

- relieved (a): nhẹ nhõm

- suspicious (a): đáng ngờ






  1. Goal: to help Ss practice more with vocabulary by speaking, pronouncing, listening and reading skills.
  2. Content: Listen and circle, Read and answer: Individual,

   Answer the questions: Teacher – Whole class

  1. Expected result:

- Co-operation: interact with the teacher find out the answers

- Communication: answer positively

  1. Performance:




Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T let ss to look at the photos and answer the questions

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss describe how the people are feeling in pairs then describe what is happening in each picture.

Step 3: Discussion

- T calls some Ss to answer the questions

Step 4: Conclusion

- Check answers as a class


2. Vocabulary

Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T and class go through the words together and check their meaning

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss match the words to the photos in ex1

Step 3: Discussion

- T asks some Ss to tell the answers

Step 4: Conclusion

- Check answers as a class


3. Vocabulary

Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T explains the task and  make sure Ss understand the idea of positive and negative feelings

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss work individually to complete the activity

Step 3: Discussion

- Ss compare their answer in pairs. In pairs, SS think of more addjectives to add to the list

Step 4: Conclusion

-T checks ss’s answer as the class



Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen then lets them do the task

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss listen and repeat, paying attention to the ending sounds

Step 3: Discussion

- T asks Ss to say the words to each other in pairs and work out how the endings are pronounced

Step 4: Conclusion

- T plays the recording again and check


5. Quiz

Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T asks Ss to focus attention on the quiz and ask:What kind of quiz is this? And elicit idea


- T explains to Ss that they must choose the correct emotion to match each pair of eyes

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss work individually to do the task then compare their answers’s with partner’s

Step 3: Discussion

- T call out some ss to answer the questions and asks them to give the reasons for their choice

Step 4: Conclusion

- T checks answers as a class


6. Reading

Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T allows Ss time to read the key phrases

- T checks that Ss understand the key phrases

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss work individually, Ss can read the tweets and add a suitable adjective from exercise 2 for each hastag then compare their answers in pair

Step 3: Discussion

- T call out some ss to answer the questions and asks them to give the reasons for their choice

Step 4: Conclusion

- T checks answers as a class


7. Listening

Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T and Ss read the instructions together, then t tells SS they do not have to understand everyword.

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss work individually, listen to four speakers and match one adjective from the list below with each speaker (1-4)

Step 3: Discussion

- T call out some ss to answer the questions and asks them to give the reasons for their choice

Step 4: Conclusion

- T plays the recording to check answers


8. Reading & Listening

Step 1: Transfer of duties

- T and Ss go through the Recycle!box together. T revises the structure of the present continuous

- T asks Ss what the verbs in the box have in common

- T tells SS they are going to listen to the recording again, go through items a – d together. T points out that they are not in the same order as the speakers in the recording

Step 2: Perform the duties

- Ss write the correct number for each speakers in the recording

Step 3: Discussion

- T call out some ss to answer the questions

Step 4: Conclusion

- T checks answers as a class

Ex 1: Key

1. A worried        B. happy, excited  

C. bored

2. Photo A: The man is worried because the people are standing too close to each other and they are not wearing mask

Photo B: The girls are happy beacuse it is their graduation day

Photo C: The girl’s schoolwork is difficult and boring




Ex2. Key:

A.   Worried, confused

B.   Delighted/ excited/ proud

C.   bored







Ex 3: Key:

Positive feelings

Negative feelings





















Ex 4: Key

/d/: ashmed,  bored, confused, frightened, relieved

/id/ : delighted, excited

/t/ embarrassed, shocked









Ex 5: Key

1.a      2.c      3.c      4.b


















Ex 6: Key

2. bored

3. excited/relieved

4. delighted/ relieved

5. disappointed

6.  embarrassed














Ex 7: Key

1. excited

2. disappointed

3. confused

4. embarrassed











Ex 8: Key

a.     4, doesn’t know

b.    3, doesn’t understand

c.      1, has

d.    2, is making



  1. Goal: Ss apply the knowledge they have just learned into communicative and practical situations.
  2. Content: Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about the followong situations
  3. Expected result: Ss can ask and answer the questions with correct pronunciation and grammar usage.
  4. Performance:

T puts Ss in groups. One Ss from each group collects the pieces of paper and puts them in a bag. Ss then take turns to pick a poece of paper and make a sentence saying how they feel in the situation. T encourages Ss to use modifying adverbs


- Learn by heart new vocabulary


- Prepare new lesson: Unit 1. 1B Grammar: Past simple

Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)
Giáo án tiếng anh 10 sách Friends Global (bản word)

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Từ khóa: giáo án tiếng anh 10, giáo án tiếng anh 10 friends global, giáo án lớp 10 tiếng anh, giáo án sách friends global lớp 10

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