Kênh giáo viên » Tiếng Anh 10 » Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 kì 1 soạn theo công văn 5512

Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 kì 1 soạn theo công văn 5512

Giáo án hay còn gọi là kế hoạch bài dạy (KHBD). Dưới đây là giáo án giảng dạy môn Tiếng anh lớp 10 kì 1 mẫu giáo án mới của Bộ Giáo dục - 5512. Vì mẫu mới có nhiều quy định chi tiết khiến nhiều giáo viên gặp khó khăn và áp lực. Do đó, nhằm hỗ trợ thầy cô, kenhgiaovien.com gửi tới thầy cô trọn bộ giáo án đầy đủ tất cả các bài, các tiết. Thao tác tải về rất đơn giản, tài liệu file word có thể chỉnh sửa dễ dàng, mời quý thầy cô tham khảo bài demo.

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  1. Knowledge

- To provide learners some language items in Unit 1

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to household chores and duties

- For pronunciation, that is how to pronounce /tr, kr, br/

- For grammar: the distinction between the present simple and the present progressive

  1. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

  1. Educational aimss:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


  1. Teacher:

- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

  1. Students:

- Read through English Unit 1 - language at home



a Aim: Visualize what they think of when they hear or see such words as: household chores, hosework...

b. Content: Match each word with its definition. Then practice reading the word out loud

c. Outcome: Suggested answers

d. Organization:



Step 1: Transfering the learning task:

T ask ss to work individually, read the words and phrases in the box, then discuss and find the meaning for each of them (a-h).

- If students need support, ask them to use the context of the conversation to help them choose the correct meaning for each word/ phrases

Step 2: Performing the task:

- Ss work individually to do the ex

Step 3: Discussion

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers aloud.

Step 4: Conclusion

- T checks and gives feedback.

Ex 1: Key

1. F 2. E

3. A 4. H

5. B 6. G

7. D 8. C



a Aim: elicit new words

b. Content: List all the household chores that are mentioned in the conversation. Then add more chores to the list.

- Ask and answer the questions

c. Outcome: Suggested answers

d. Organization



Ex 2:

Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- Ask students to work individually first, and then check with a partner.

- Make sure that student have the right answers by going over all the answers in class.

- Allow students to look up the words in the glossary, if necessary.

Step 2: Performing the task:

- SS: work individually and then check with a partner

Step 3: Discussion

- T calls one student to show the answer.

- Other students listen to the answer and give comment

Step 4: Conclusion

- T confirms the corrects answers

Ex 3:

Step 1: Transfering the learning task

- Have Ss work in pairs or groups to ask and answer the questions.

- T encourages them to use the chores in the list in their answers

Step 2: Performing the task:

- SS work individually first to write down who does each of the chores in their family then work in pairs to ask and answer

Step 3: Discussion

- T calls some pairs to practise asking and answering

- Other students listen to the answer and give comment

Step 4: Conclusion

- T check to make sure Ss use the correct verbs/ verb pharese in the correct tense with the name of the chores

Ex2: Key:

- prepare dinner

- cook (do the cooking)

- shop

- clean the house

- take out the rubbish

- do the laundry

- do the washing up

- do the heavy lifting

- be responsible for the household chores

*Other chores:

- mop/ sweep/ tidy up the house

- bathe the baby

- water the houseplants

- feed the cat/ dog

- iron/ fold/ put away clothes

- lay the table for meal


*Ex 3: Key:

- I often help my parents V/to V

- I often help with N/Ving in my family

- I take the responsibility for N/Ving



a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content:

Task 1. Listen and repeat

Task 2. Listen to the sentences ang circle the word you hear

c. Outcome: complete the exercise

d. Organization:



Step 1: Transfering the learning task:

- Play the recording and let students listen and follow.

- Give the meanings of the words if necessary. Help SS distinguish the three sound clusters

- Play the recording again and have Ss listen to the sentences and circle the word they hear

Step 2: Performing the task:

- SS: work in pairs and take turns reading the words.

Step 3: Discussion

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers aloud.

Step 4: Conclusion

- T checks Ss’s answer by asking them to call out the letter (a, b or c) corresponding to the word they hear


1.b 2.b 3.c 4.a

  2. Aim: use languages to practice in pairs/groups
  3. Content: The present simple: S + V+ N/O.

The present continous: S + be+ Ving+ O

  1. Outcome: complete the exercise
  2. Organization:



Step 1: Transfering the learning task:

Ex 1:

- Have Ss read the text individuallt once and ask them to pay attention to the words/phrase such as everyday, today, at the moment and ask them what verb forms are often used in the sentences that have these words/phrases.

- Ask Ss to choose the correct verb form

Ex 2:

- Have Ss work in pairs to give their answers.

- Ask Ss to use the words/phrase: now, at the moment, usually, today, every evening, etc as clues for their answers

Step 2: Performing the task:

- Ss follow Teacher’s requirement to complete the exercise 1 and 2

Step 3: Discussion

- T observes and help when and where neccessary

- Ss compare their answer

Step 4: Conclusion

- T checks Ss’ answers and then elicit from them the rules of using the present simple and the present continous.

Ex 1: Key:

1. Does 2. Cooks

3. Cleans 4. Is watching

5. is doing 6. Is doing

7. is tidying up 8. Is trying

Ex 2: Key:

1. does, is not cooking, is cooking

2. is taking out

3. cleans, is cleaning

4. is preparing

5. looks after, works

6. is watching, watches



READING – Sharing housework


  1. Knowledge

- Vocabulary related to the topic of sharing housework

  1. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills

- Skim the text to get the general idea

- Scan the text to get some specific details

  1. Educational aimss:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


  1. Teacher:

- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

  1. Students:

- Students: textbook, workbook, pen, pencil…



a. Aim: To help SS rememer the vocabulary they have learnt in the previous lessson

b. Content: Ss look at the picture and answer the questions

c. Outcome: Suggested answer and Ss’ answer

d. Organization:

- T haves Ss to look at the picture and answer two following questions:

  1. What are these people in the picture doing?
  2. Do you think they are happy? Why/Why not?
  • Have Ss answer the questions. The answer for question 2 can be “Yes, they are. Because they do the housework together/ Because all members of the family share the housework”


a. Aim: elicit some new words and reading skills/strategies

b. Content: Read the text and decide the title for it

c. Outcome: Suggested answers

d. Organization



Step 1: Transfering the learning task:

T asks ss to:

- Have them guess the meaning of the vocab appearing in the context.

- Ask them if they have any new words.

- Supply them with the words they asked.

- Quickly read the text. Choose the best title for it.

Step 2: Performing the task:

- SS work individually and guess the meaning of the vocab appearing in the context.

Step 3: Discussion

- T asks some Ss to give their answers on the board

Step 4: Conclusion

- T remarks results of the learning task.


- culture (n): văn hóa

- benefit (n): lợi ích

- contribute (v): đóng góp

- vunerale (a): dễ tổn thương

- divorce (n): việc ly hôn

- work well together: phối hợp ăn ý với nhau

- critical (a): hay phê phán, chỉ trích, khó tính

- enormous (a): to lớn, khổng lồ

- tend (v): có xu hướng

- responsibility (n): trách nhiệm

EX2: Key


EX3: Key:

1.a 2. b 3.b 4.b 5.a


a. Aim: practise skills

b. Content:

Task 4: Find out what “it” refers to each of the sentences

Task 5:. Answer the questions.

c. Outcome: Suggested answer

d. Organization:



Step 1: Transfering the learning task:

EX 4:

- T asks Ss to continue to work in pairs and find out what it refers to each of the sentences

- Let Ss read and understand the sentences before and after the one that has the words in it to decide what it means

Ex 5:

-Put Ss in groups of three, ask them to read the questions first to make sure they understand what information they need in order to understand the questions

- Step 2: Performing the task:

- SS work in pairs and complete the exercise 4 and 5

Step 3: Discussion

- Inviting a representative from each group to give the answer to one of the questions

Step 4: Conclusion

- Check and correct

Ex 4:

Line 11: c - the husband doing housework

Line 14: b - the time when everyone work together in the house

Ex 5:

1. They do better at school, become more sociable, and have better relationships with their teachers and friends

2. Because it shows that they care about their wives and that makes their wives happy

3. They may fall ill easily or may think about divorce

4.There is a positive atmosphere for the family


a. Aim: Help ss to apply what they have read in the text to express their own ideas.

b. Content: Discus with a partner about the problems and benefits thay actually experiences in doing housework

c. Outcome: Ss’ answer

d. Organization:



Step 1: Transfering the learning task:

Put Ss in groups of four and let them discuss the questions freely.

- Give time for one or to groups to report the discussion results to the class

Step 2: Performing the task:

- Ss work in groups and make notes of the answers on a piece of paper.

Step 3: Discussion

- T asks some Ss to demonstrate to the class

Step 4: Conclusion

T checks and gives feedback.

Expected answers:

1. I have some problems/ difficulty/ trouble in organizing the time and the order of my housework logically and scientifically

2.Sharing housework makes my family members closer to each other

Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 kì 1 soạn theo công văn 5512
Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 kì 1 soạn theo công văn 5512

Phía trên là demo (mẫu) 1 bài trong bộ giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 KÌ 1 được soạn theo công văn 5512. Giáo án khi thầy cô tải về là giáo án bản word, có đầy đủ các bài trong chương trình Tiếng Anh 10. 

Phí tải giáo án:

  • 200.000/học kì
  • 300.000/cả năm

Cách tải:

  • Bước 1: Chuyển khoản vào số tài khoản 1214136868686 - cty Fidutech - MB
  • Bước 2: Nhắn tin Zalo hoặc gọi điện tới số 0386 168 725 để nhận tài liệu.

Thông tin thêm:

  • Hệ thống có đầy đủ giáo án 5512 tất cả các môn, tất cả các lớp
  • Mua trọn bộ tiếng anh THPT: 500k/cả năm

Chúng tôi hi vọng, hệ thống cung cấp những tài liệu bổ ích, hỗ trợ đắc lực cho thầy cô trong quá trình giảng dạy.

=> Nội dung chuyển phí: Nang cap tai khoan


Từ khóa: gián án mới tiếng anh khối 10 kì 1, tiếng anh 10 cv 5512, tải giáo án mới cv 5512, giao an tiếng anh 10 ki 1 cv 5512

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